Measures for increasing the productivity of water and agriculture land resources in South Kazakhstan –Maktaaral case study
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KazNAU (Kazhak National Agriculture University)
Warsaw University of Life Scieces -SGGW
Submission date: 2021-12-31
Final revision date: 2022-03-17
Acceptance date: 2022-03-20
Publication date: 2022-07-21
Corresponding author
Józef Mosiej   

Warsaw University of Life Scieces -SGGW
Acta Sci. Pol. Formatio Circumiectus 2022;21(1):49-55
  • Celem pracy jest przedstawienie problemów środowiskowych związanych z intensywną uprawą bawełny w warunkach klimatycznych Azji Środkowej. Problem ten związany był i jest z presją na zwiększenie plonów poprzez systematyczne zwiększanie stosowanych jednorazowych dawek polewowych. Jednocześnie nakładają się inne problemy takie jak zmiany własnościowe, opłaty za wodę i inne.
Aim of the study:
The aim of the study is to present environmental problems related to the intensive cultivation of cotton in the climatic conditions of Central Asia. This problem was and is related to the pressure to increase yields by systematically increasing the used irrigations rates. At the same time, other problems arise, such as ownership changes, water charges, and other problems.

Material and methods:
The "case study" method was used in the work. The materials were collected by co-authors from Kazakhstan as part of many years of experimental and monitoring work.

Results and conclusions:
The results of field studies concerning the analysis of the state of irrigated land on the flagships Makhtaaral facility showed a systematic deterioration of soil physical indicators and: - reduction of the drainage efficiency of irrigated land, - an increase in the groundwater level above the critical depth, - increase level of soils salinity, - effect of washing on soil alkalisation
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