Legal problems of water protection on the example of manufacturing enterprises as sewage disposal plants - current limitations and de lege ferenda remarks
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dr Agnieszka Sznajder dr Jakub Sznajder Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych s.c.
Submission date: 2024-10-07
Final revision date: 2024-11-17
Acceptance date: 2024-11-19
Publication date: 2025-01-14
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Agnieszka Sznajder   

dr Agnieszka Sznajder dr Jakub Sznajder Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych s.c.
Acta Sci. Pol. Formatio Circumiectus 2024;23(4):37-45
  • water reuse
  • sewage disposal
  • necessary legislative changes
Aim of the study:
This article focuses on discussing the obligations of manufacturing companies relating to water protection, including the quality of sewage discharged into waters or sewage facilities, as well as the closed water circulation implemented within the so-called circular economy, in the context of water resources management, including primarily from the point of view of water resources management instruments in the form of: water law consents, fees for water services and water management control. The publication points out that despite the legislator's efforts to increase the effectiveness of water protection activities, including through legislative changes introduced, among others, by the Act of 13 July 2023 on the revitalization of the Odra River, legal provisions constitute a barrier to achieving the goal of water protection. The study indicates the proposed directions of legislative changes.

Material and methods:
The basic research method was the dogmatic method. I based it on normative acts, views of the doctrine and case law of courts.

Results and conclusions:
The conducted research allowed me to draw conclusions regarding the need for further legislative changes. Despite numerous legislative changes made over the last few years with the intention of increasing water protection, practice shows that there is still much to be done in this aspect. The legislative changes postulated in this article should be made not only within the Water Law Act, but also in a number of other legal acts related to water management.
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